Hassan Boukcim

Professor at University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (Morocco) ASARI and CEO & President of VALORHIZ


Dr. Hassan BOUKCIM, Executive MBA and PhD in Ecophysiology and Ecological restoration has more than 26 years of experience in scientific research, innovation management and startups. He worked for more many years at INRA (France). He contributed to the preparation and the realization of many European, international and national R&D programs in the field of the conservation and rehabilitation of soils and ecosystems. He is author and co-author of many scientific publications in international refereed journals. Since 2008, he is founder; CEO-President and Chief Scientific Officer of Valorhiz, innovative company specialized in the conception, providing and implementation of innovative solutions for functional diagnosis, biological treatments and monitoring of soils and ecosystems in the objective of its sustainable valorization (land reclamation, soil water management, bio-technosoils, sustainable agriculture, vegetalisation, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, …) 
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